Vad betyder advantage inom generell ?
give an advantage to


Hur används ordet advantage
- "the advantages of a good education"
- "his experience of working with cars gave him an advantage over the other applicants"
- "Advantage Hingis"
- "Some people try to gain advantage by exploiting their personal contacts"
- "Flexibility is one of the many advantages of working from home"
Ordet advantage har 4 betydelser
- Inom sex
- Inom ekonomi
- Inom tennis
- Inom teknik

Vad betyder advantage inom sex ?
something that makes one personor thing more likely to succed than others
Möjliga synonymer till advantage (inom sex)
- behalf
- behoof
- convenience
- head-start
- headstart
- profit
- leading edge
- edge
- ad [ tennis ]
- ascendancy
- head start
- start
- upper hand [ common expressions ]
- vantage
- virtue
- advantage
- allowance [ sport ]

Vanlig betydelse av ordet advantage inom ekonomi
something that is of benefit to you
Synonymer till advantage (inom ekonomi)
Möjliga synonymer till advantage (inom ekonomi)
- benefit
- use
- utility [ economy ]
- interest
- avail
- gain
- good
- lucre
- net income [ economy ]
- net profit [ economy ]
- serviceability
- stead

Ovanlig betydelse av ordet advantage inom tennis
used for saying the name of a player in tennis who wins the point after Deuce (the score when both players have 40 points)
Möjliga synonymer till advantage (inom tennis)

Ordet advantage inom teknik
a good feature something has