Synonymer till vulnerable
Hur används ordet vulnerable
- "vulnerable parts of the body"
- "a vulnerable bridge"
- "vulnerable to bribery"
- "an argument vulnerable to refutation"
Ordet vulnerable har 3 betydelser
- Inom ekonomi
- Inom mat
- Inom norgespec
Vad betyder vulnerable inom ekonomi ?
capable of being wounded or hurt
Synonymer till vulnerable (inom ekonomi)
Möjliga synonymer till vulnerable (inom ekonomi)
Ordet vulnerable inom mat
susceptible to attack
Översättningar (inom mat)
Ordet vulnerable inom norgespec
susceptible to criticism or persuasion or temptation
Möjliga synonymer till vulnerable (inom norgespec)
- above-board
- apert
- cachectic
- faint
- feeble
- gentle
- indulgent
- ingenuous
- light
- low-powered
- mild
- open-ended
- overground
- seely
- soft
- tenuous
- tinty
- undecked
- unsealed
- unsound
- untied
- upfront
- washy
- weak
- weakling
- aboveboard
- broad
- dim
- flickering
- lean
- milky
- obscure
- open
- outright
- overt
- patent
- slim
- unfeigned
- unfenced
- unfilled
- weakly
- pantywaist
- wussy [ collegial ]