Synonymer till record
- list
- register
- book [ biblioteksväsen, kontor ]
- recordbook
- outcome
- recording [ musik ]
- disc
- disk
- platter
- record player
- phonograph record
- phonograph recording
- reputation
- criminal record
Hur används ordet record
- "The prostitute had a record a mile long"
- "the film provided a valuable record of stage techniques"
- "at 9-0 they have the best record in their league"
- "the lawyer has a good record"
- "Al Smith used to say, `Let's look at the record'"
- "he broke the Olympic record"
- "they could find no record of the purchase"
- "The ruled that the criminal record of the defendant could not be disclosed to the court"
Ordet record har 7 betydelser
- Inom musik
- Inom allmänt
- Inom generell
- Inom data
- Inom kontor
- Inom formell stil
- Inom sömnad
formell stil
sound recording consisting of a disk with a continuous groove
Översättningar (inom musik)
Synonymer till record (inom musik)
Möjliga synonymer till record (inom musik)
- plate [ technology ]
- vinyl [ music ]
- grammophone record [ music ]
- record deck
- phonograph
- gramophone record
Översättningar (inom allmänt)
Synonymer till record (inom allmänt)
the best performance ever attained in a sport
a list of crimes for which an accused person has been previously convicted
the sum of recognized accomplishments
Översättningar (inom generell)
(inom generell)
Möjliga synonymer till record (inom generell)
Möjliga synonymer till record (inom generell)
a document that can serve as legal evidence of a transaction
Översättningar (inom data)
Möjliga synonymer till record (inom data)
a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone
Översättningar (inom kontor)
Synonymer till record (inom kontor)
- book [ biblioteksväsen, kontor ]
- recordbook
Möjliga synonymer till record (inom kontor)
the number of wins versus losses and ties a team has had
Översättningar (inom formell stil)
Synonymer till record (inom formell stil)
anything (such as a document or a phonograph record or a photograph) providing permanent evidence of or information about past events
Översättningar (inom sömnad)
Synonymer till record (inom sömnad)
- recording [ musik ]
Diskussion om ordet record
- 2009-05-20
- 2009-05-20
stenl - 2010-07-15
stenl - 2010-09-05
Synonymer till record (inom sömnad)
Översättningar (inom sömnad)
Hur används ordet record
- "The thermometer records both the highest and lowest readings."
Ordet record har 6 betydelser
- Inom kontor
- Inom sömnad
- Inom politik
- Inom spel
- Inom militärväsen
- Inom film
make a record of; set down in permanent form
Översättningar (inom kontor)
Möjliga synonymer till record (inom kontor)
register electronically
Synonymer till record (inom sömnad)
Möjliga synonymer till record (inom sömnad)
- audiotape
- tape-record
- taperecord
- cut
- shoot
- videotape [ movie ]
- band
be aware of, notice