
Synonymer till mistress
- kept woman
- fancy woman
- schoolmistress [ utbildning ]
- schoolmarm [ utbildning ]

Hur används ordet mistress
- "She denied being his mistress since she was a member of a Free Church."
- "Mistress Margrethe's nickname was 'the Great'."
- "She was the mistress of the house; to her belonged the castle."
Ordet mistress har 3 betydelser
- Inom utbildning
- Inom sex
- Inom norgespec

Vad betyder mistress inom utbildning ?
A female teacher.
Översättningar (inom utbildning)

Synonymer till mistress (inom utbildning)
- schoolmistress [ utbildning ]
- schoolmarm [ utbildning ]
Möjliga synonymer till mistress (inom utbildning)
- instructress [ education ]
- tutoress [ education ]
- lady teacher [ education ]
- school miss [ education ]
- woman teacher [ education ]

Mindre vanlig betydelse av ordet mistress inom sex
A woman who has an ongoing extramarital sexual relationship with a man
Översättningar (inom sex)

Synonymer till mistress (inom sex)
Möjliga synonymer till mistress (inom sex)

Ordet mistress inom norgespec
A woman master who directs the work of others