get at
got at
gotten at
Synonymer till get at
Ordet get at har 4 betydelser
- Inom ålderdomlig
- Inom data
- Inom generell
- Inom vanliga uttryck
vanliga uttryck
Översättningar (inom ålderdomlig)
Synonymer till get at (inom ålderdomlig)
Möjliga synonymer till get at (inom ålderdomlig)
- intend
- recall
- reveal
- significate
- suppose
- uncover
- ween
- be aiming at
- bring in
- come down
- come in contact with
- come up with
- come upon
- drive at
- get a chance
- get hold of
- get on
- get to
- pick on
- refer to
- think of
- catch
- reach
- argue
- arrive at
- attain
- bribe [ law ]
- buy
- buy off
- come
- come over
- come up to
- corrupt
- deem
- discover
- find
- find fault with
- find out
- get through
- make
- mean
- opine
- pay off
- pick at
- reason
- say
- sop
- strike
- suborn
- touch
- unearth
- suss [ slang ]
- get
- snipe [ GENERAL ]
Synonymer till get at (inom data)
influence by corruption