
Synonymer till gauche
Hur används ordet gauche
- "too gauche to leave the room when the conversation became intimate"
- "their excellent manners always may be feel gauche"
Vad betyder gauche inom kemi ?
lacking social polish
Möjliga synonymer till gauche
- butter-fingered
- cack-handed
- cackhanded
- clumpy
- clumsy
- crude
- dumpy
- handless
- heavy-handed
- indelicate
- indiscret
- inert
- lumpy
- nubble
- ponderous
- ragged
- raunchy
- sesquipedalian
- shamefaced
- shapeless
- tactless
- undexterous
- unhandy
- unpolished [ bildligt ]
- artless
- awkward
- bumbling [ slang ]
- butterfingered
- clunky
- elephantine
- gawky
- graceless
- ham-fisted
- ham-handed
- hulking
- hulky
- indiscreet
- inelegant
- left
- leftish
- leftist
- lumpish
- maladroit
- ungraceful
- dufus [ slang ]
- half-arsed [ collegial ]