
Synonymer till fixture
- event
- tournament [ sport ]
- attachment
- furnishing
Ordet fixture har 3 betydelser
- Inom data
- Inom sport
- Inom generell

Vad betyder fixture inom data ?
a object firmly fixed in place (especially in a household)
Översättningar (inom data)
Synonymer till fixture (inom data)
Möjliga synonymer till fixture (inom data)
- adjunct [ linguistics ]
- appendage
- armature
- decoration
- fitting
- fixings
- garniture
- inventory
- peripheral [ computing ]
- accessory unit
- interior design
- accessory
- accompaniment
- appurtenance
- appurtenances
- bond [ chemistry ]
- equipment
- fitment

Ordet fixture inom sport
one of a series of meets scheduled by a hunt to take place at a time and location listed on a card (fixture card) that is sent, usually once a month, to each member of a hunt
Synonymer till fixture (inom sport)
- event
- tournament [ sport ]
Möjliga synonymer till fixture (inom sport)
- cliffhanger
- event [ sport ]
- head-to-head
- match [ sport ]
- competition [ sport and recreation ]
- contest
- issue
- joust
- race
- side
- tourney
- cup
- excitement

Ordet fixture inom generell
spänningsanordning i svarv m.m.
Översättningar (inom generell)