

Synonymer till equation

Ordet equation har 2 betydelser

  • Inom luftfart
  • Inom matematik

Vad betyder equation inom luftfart ?

the act of regarding as equal

Översättningar (inom luftfart)

Synonymer till equation (inom luftfart)

Ordet equation inom matematik

a mathematical statement that two expressions are equal

Översättningar (inom matematik)

Diskussion om ordet equation

  • - 2010-01-14

  • - 2010-01-14

    OMG!!! me too, we have so much in common! :D

  • - 2010-01-14

    I like algebra the best, because the equations there are so fun to figure out, what about you? :)

  • - 2010-01-14

    what? i don't think i understand .. :S

  • - 2010-01-14

    That's not mathematically possible ! but it would be quite cool if it was