deal with
dealt with
dealt with

Möjliga synonymer till deal with
- assort [ collegial ]
- consider
- discuss
- fix
- grade
- handle
- manipulate
- marshal
- rank
- readjust
- ready [ american english ]
- regulate
- swing
- tackle
- be all about
- buckle to
- crack down on
- get down to
- get up
- have to do with
- knuckle down to
- lay on
- line up
- see to
- sort out
- deal
- adjust
- approach
- arrange
- buckle down
- calendar
- clean up
- control
- dispose
- do
- go about
- hear [ law ]
- lay
- manage
- order
- organise
- organize
- pitch
- process
- range
- rearrange
- sequence
- set about
- settle
- shape
- square
- toss
- cast
- address
- attempt
- compose
- marshall