Synonymer till break
- part
- separate
- separate
- split
- split up
- split up
- better
- give
- founder
- collapse
- fall in
- cave in
- give way
- give way
- separate
- split up
- fall apart
- come apart
- stop
- hold on
- stop
- discontinue
- break away
- violate
- breach
- offend
- go against
- transgress
- infract
- reveal
- expose
- disclose
- impart
- bring out
- give away
- let out
- divulge
- let on
- violate
- violate
- go against
- burst
- erupt
- dash
- bust
- fracture
- crack
- bust
- fall apart
- wear out
- interrupt
- ruin
- bankrupt
- get out
- get around
- break up
- pause
- intermit [ ALLMÄNT ]
- break in
- weaken
- damp
- soften
- dampen
- break out
- break away
- relegate
- demote
- kick downstairs
- snap off
- break-dance
Hur används ordet break
- "break a fall"
- "break a lucky streak"
- "let's break for lunch"
- "break a law"
- "You are breaking the law!"
- "The spy who broke the code"
- "I broke a tooth"
- "When I picked it up the handle broke off"
- "Sofia broke into tears when she saw Father Christmas"
- "All right, let's break for a while"
- "His parents were forced to break into the capital"
- "We must break the vicious circle of poverty"
- "My heart is breaking when I see you with him"
- "All could hear the bowstring break"
- "Peter broke the precious vase"
- "The horse was tough to break"
- "There are many training methods to break a dog"
- "They say she broke his heart"
- "They did not know who broke the glasses"
- "They decided to break the peace, to prepare a new war"
- "A cry broke from her lips"
- "They were forced to break cover"
- "The day is breaking"
- "Don't break the rope!"
- "She dropped the cup and it broke"
- "Break the bank"
- "He broke his chains"
- "The ice broke the pipe"
- "Break a blood vessel"
- "I have never been able to break him off the habit of smoking in my office"
- "The weather broke quickly"
- "You must not break the rules"
- "His voice broke into a falsetto"
- "Her voice broke with emotion"
- "The figurine broke"
- "You broke the alarm clock when you took it apart!"
- "He broke the glass plate"
- "She broke the match"
- "The horses broke from the stable"
- "Three inmates broke jail"
- "The clouds broke after the heavy downpour"
- "break into tears"
- "break the silence"
- "light broke over the horizon"
- "Voices broke in the air"
- "She had broken with the traditional patterns"
- "The ranks broke"
- "The surf broke"
- "If the new teacher won't break, we'll add some stress"
- "The heat wave finally broke yesterday"
- "The flat plain was broken by sharply mesas"
- "She finally broke herself of smoking cigarettes"
- "The first winter storm broke over New York"
- "Things have been breaking pretty well for us in the past few months (informal)"
- "His peccadilloes finally broke his marriage"
- "This play will either make or break the playwright"
- "The will was broken"
- "He broke the engagement"
- "We had to break our plans for a trip to China"
- "break the loaf of bread"
- "break the crackers"
- "The whales broke"
- "I had to break a $100 bill just to buy the candy"
- "The book dealer would not break the set"
- "The referee broke the boxers"
- "The lawn mower finally broke"
- "The gears wore out"
- "The old chair finally fell apart completely"
- "break a branch from a tree"
- "The fish broke the water"
- "The blade broke her skin"
- "News of her death broke in the morning"
- "break a circuit"
- "The simple vowels broke in many Germanic languages"
- "break the code"
- "Her voice broke to a whisper when she started to talk about her children"
- "We broke at noon"
- "his voice is breaking--he should no longer sing in the choir"
- "stock prices broke"
- "The patient's fever broke last night"
- "For a hero loves the world till it breaks him --Yeats"
Ordet break har 45 betydelser
- Inom mat
- Inom slang
- Inom meteorologi
- Inom nedsättande
- Inom generell
- Inom militärväsen
- Inom sjöfart
- Inom ekonomi
- Inom sex
- Inom sport
- Inom bildligt
- Inom jordbruk
- Inom typografi
- Inom luftfart
- Inom juridik
- Inom musik
- Inom bildligt
- Inom anatomi
- Inom matematik
- Inom medicin
- Inom fåglar
- Inom internet
- Inom järnväg
- Inom vardagligt
- Inom data
- Inom bildligt
- Inom botanik
- Inom tennis
- Inom meteorologi
- Inom norgespec
- Inom elektricitet
- Inom musik
- Inom vardagligt
- Inom film
- Inom sport
- Inom årstider
- Inom kemi
- Inom religion
- Inom kläder
- Inom veterinärmedicin
- Inom geologi
- Inom meteorologi
- Inom elektricitet
- Inom bildligt
Översättningar (inom mat)
Synonymer till break (inom mat)
Möjliga synonymer till break (inom mat)
Översättningar (inom slang)
Översättningar (inom meteorologi)
Möjliga synonymer till break (inom meteorologi)
Översättningar (inom nedsättande)
destroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments
vary or interrupt a uniformity or continuity
stop or interrupt
divide into pieces, as by bending or cutting
stop and wait, as if awaiting further instructions or developments
move away or escape suddenly
come into being
invalidate by judicial action
emerge from the surface, as of fish in water
break a piece from a whole
find a flaw in: "break an alibi"
find the solution or key to
of the male voice in puberty
make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one's own by quitting or fleeing (military usage)
curl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves
be broken in
give up: "break cigarette smoking"
happen or take place
cause the failure or ruin of
change directions suddenly
make the opening shot that scatters the balls, in billiards or pool
pierce the surface of
become punctured or penetrated: "The skin broke"
pierce or penetrate
be released or become known; of news
undergo breaking
happen, as of an event
Översättningar (inom generell)
Synonymer till break (inom generell)
Uttryck till break (inom generell)
Ord i uttryck för break (inom generell)
break är en/ett (inom generell)
break har undergrupp (inom generell)
break har del (inom generell)
break förutsätter (inom generell)
% förutsatt av (inom generell)
Möjliga synonymer till break (inom generell)
Möjliga synonymer till break (inom generell)
Möjliga synonymer till break (inom generell)
Möjliga synonymer till break (inom generell)
Möjliga synonymer till break (inom generell)
Möjliga synonymer till break (inom generell)
Möjliga synonymer till break (inom generell)
Möjliga synonymer till break (inom generell)
Översättningar (inom militärväsen)
Synonymer till break (inom militärväsen)
Möjliga synonymer till break (inom militärväsen)
Översättningar (inom ekonomi)
Översättningar (inom sex)
Översättningar (inom sport)
Översättningar (inom bildligt)
Översättningar (inom jordbruk)
Översättningar (inom typografi)
Synonymer till break (inom typografi)
Möjliga synonymer till break (inom typografi)
- die
- burn up
- conk out
- give out
- pull apart
- blow [ GENERAL ]
- break
- break away
- break down
- split up
- tear
- go haywire [ collegial ]
Översättningar (inom luftfart)
Synonymer till break (inom juridik)
Möjliga synonymer till break (inom juridik)
Översättningar (inom musik)
Översättningar (inom bildligt)
Synonymer till break (inom bildligt)
Möjliga synonymer till break (inom bildligt)
Översättningar (inom anatomi)
Synonymer till break (inom anatomi)
Översättningar (inom matematik)
Översättningar (inom fåglar)
Översättningar (inom internet)
Översättningar (inom vardagligt)
Översättningar (inom data)
Synonymer till break (inom data)
Möjliga synonymer till break (inom data)
- disrupt
- heckle
- interrupt
- pretermit
- stand-still
- standstill
- suspend
- call off
- land up with
- abort [ technology ]
- break in
- break up
- burst in on
- butt in
- cut in
- cut off
- discontinue
- intermit [ GENERAL ]
- terminate