

Synonymer till around

Hur används ordet around

  • "she looked around in search for a place to sit"
  • "the kids were hanging around the mall"
  • "she waited around for the next flight"
  • "the sack weighs around a hundred pounds"
  • "The north pole has frigid weather the year around"
  • "There were trees growing all around"
  • "dirty clothes lying around (or about)"
  • "the road goes around the pond"
  • "He came all the way around the base"
  • "the traffic delayed me, I'll be home around 10 pm"
  • "I invited them around for supper"
  • "she came around to see me"
  • "the pond is two miles around"
  • "the trunk is ten feet around"

Ordet around har 3 betydelser

  • Inom ALLMÄNT
  • Inom förkortning
  • Inom generell

Vad betyder around inom ALLMÄNT ?

by a circular or circuitous route

Översättningar (inom ALLMÄNT)

Möjliga synonymer till around (inom ALLMÄNT)

Ordet around inom förkortning

(roughly) estimated

Översättningar (inom förkortning)

Synonymer till around (inom förkortning)

Möjliga synonymer till around (inom förkortning)

Ordet around inom generell

to a particular destination either specified or understood

in circumference

Översättningar (inom generell)


Möjliga synonymer till around (inom generell)

Diskussion om ordet around

  • Melonica - 2009-01-11

    i faggorna

  • - 2011-09-19




Hur används ordet around

  • "They walked around in the park"

Diskussion om ordet around