

Vad betyder AFC inom teknik, radio ?
automatisk frekvenskontroll, Automatic Frequency Control
Möjliga synonymer till AFC
- automatisk frekvensreglering [ teknik ]


Vad betyder AFC inom radio ?
In radio equipment, Automatic Frequency Control (AFC), also called Automatic Fine Tuning (AFT), is a method or circuit to automatically keep a resonant circuit tuned to the frequency of an incoming radio signal. It is primarily used in radio receivers to keep the receiver tuned to the frequency of the desired station.
In radio communication, AFC is needed because, after the bandpass frequency of a receiver is tuned to the frequency of a transmitter, the two frequencies may drift apart, interrupting the reception. This can be caused by a poorly controlled transmitter frequency, but the most common cause is drift of the center bandpass frequency of the receiver, due to thermal or mechanical drift in the values of the electronic components.
Möjliga synonymer till AFC
- automatic frequency control [ technology ]