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The long and the short of it
The loony left
The Lord have mercy upon you
The lord of the rings
The Lord's Prayer
The lot
The Louvre
The Low Countries
The Low Tatra
The lower case letter
The lower case letters
The lower slopes
The lowest bidder
The lowlands of Scotland
The Luftwaffe
The lust of flesh
The Maastricht Treaty
The Magi
The Magic Flute
The magic of ages
The Maginot line
The main rivers
The main shopping area
The main thread
The main tread
The mainland of Africa
The major part
The Maldive Islands
The Maldives
The man of the moment
The man on the Clapham omnibus
The Man with the Schythe
The Maritime provinces
The Marriage of Figaro
The Marschall plan
The Marshall Plan
The Masonic Order
The Massacre of St. Bartholomew
The Massif Central
The Master Jesus
The matter
The maximum likelihood method
The Mediterranean
The Mediterranean area
The Mediterranean fleet
The Mediterranean Sea
The Mekong River delta
The Merchant of Venice
The mercury is at zero
The mere fact
The merest chance
The Merry Wives of Windsor
The Mesabi Range
The Meuse
The mid-10s
The mid-20s
The mid-30s
The mid-40s
The mid-50s
The mid-60s
The mid-70s
The mid-80s
The mid-90s
The Middle Ages
The Middle Atlantic States
The middle class
The Middle East
The middle one
The middle-working classes
The Midgard Sepent
The Midgard Serpent
The Midlands
The Midwestern States
The Migration Board
The migration of the peoples
The Military Council
The military tenure
The Millennium bug
The million mark
The mind's eye
The mineral kingdom
The Mining Industry Commission
The Ministry of Sports
The minor part
The minute that
The miracle of life
The Mission Covenant Church of Sweden
The Mississippi
The Mississippi River system
The mistress of the house
The ML method
The Moderate Party
The modern diet
The modern man
The modern men
The Moghul Empire
The moment of truth
The moment that
The Mongol Empire
The Mono River
The month of April
The month of August
The month of December
The month of fasting
The month of February
The month of January
The month of July
The month of June
The month of March
The month of May
The month of November
The month of October
The month of September
The moon is out
The moon is shining
The moon is waning
The more
The more the better
The more the merrier
The more wealthy people
The Moscow Declaration
The most common cause for
The most common use
The most important
The most likely thing
The most vital element
The Mount of Olives
The mountain brooks
The mouse arrow
The mouth of the river
The Movement for Democracy
The Munich Pact
The municipal planning
The musical ability
The nabonidus chronicle
The naked truth
The name of God
The Names Adoption Act
The Napoleonic Wars
The National Assembly
The National atlas of Sweden
The National Board of Health and Welfare
The National Board of Occupational Safety and Health
The National Board of Student Aid
The National Courts Administration
The National Encyclopedia
The National Forest Enterprise
The National Guard
The National Service Administration
The National University
The natural kingdom
The Nazi Party
The Nazi past
The Nazi period
The Nazi time
The necessities of life
The Netherlands
The New Testament
The new woman
The New World
The New York Times Magazine
The newly married couple
The newspaper world
The next best
The next century
The next day
The next decade
The next instant
The next month
The next morning
The next week
The night before
The night before last
The night before the last
The Nile River
The nineties
The noble savage
The Nordic region
The norm rather than the exception
The Norrland coast
The North American signal crayfish
The North China Plain
The North Pole
The North Sea
The North Seathe Skagerrak and the Kattegat
The North Star
The North Temperate Zone
The North West Passage
The North-East Passage
The Northern Alliance
The Northern Coast
The Northern Rockies
The northern third of the country
The Nuclear Age
The number of
The number of adults
The number of children
The object of the verb
The October Revolution
The odds are that
The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
The Okavango Delta
The Old Bailey
The old jog-trot
The Old Swedish Village
The Old Testament
The Old World
The Olympic Games
The Olympics
The Olympics Committee
The Ombudsman against Ethnic Discrimination
The Omnipotent
The one
The one and only
The one nearer
The one that
The one thing
The one way ticket
The one way trip
The one-way street
The one-way streets
The ones
The only ones
The only thing
The open systems interconnection model
The opening hours
The opposite sex
The opposite side
The opposite sides
The Order of Jesuits
The Order of Knights Templar
The Order of Malta
The Order of St. Benedict
The order of the boot
The order of the day
The Order of the Seraphim
The Order of the Sword
The Ordinance on Enforcement according to the Environmental Code
The Oresnd region
The Orestad Region
The Orient
The OSI model
The other
The other day
The other evening
The other two
The other way about
The other way around
The other way round
The other week
The other year
The Ottoman Empire
The Our Father
The outbreak of World War II
The outside world
The overall population density
The Oxford English Dictionary
The Ozark Mountains
The Pacific
The Pacific Coast States
The Pacific Ocean
The Palestine Liberation Organization
The Palm Sunday
The Pamirs
The Panama Canal
The Papal States
The Paris Peace Conference
The parish people
The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Social Questions
The Paropamisus
The part of the body
The parties concerned
The Partnership for Peace
The party is over
The Pass of Thermpylae
The passive
The past few years
The past, present, and future
The Patent Office
The Paternoster
The Patriotic Act
The pay-back method
The pay-off method
The Peace of Utrecht
The Peace of Westphalia
The Peace Prize
The peace treaties of Versailles
The Peacock Butterfly
The peninsula of Korea
The Pentateuch
The Pentecostal Movement
The People's Church
The People's Home
The People's House
The People's Party
The People's Party of
The peoples of the world
The period when Sweden was a major European power
The Perm system
The Persian Gulf War
The Persian Wars
The person addressed
The person concerned
The person in question
The persons addressed
The persons concerned
The Peter's Principle
The Phantom Blot
The Philippine Islands
The Pilgrim Fathers
The Pindus range
The Pirate Party
The pit
The piteous sight
The pits
The plain of Campania
The plain thruth
The plains of Skane
The plains of Skåne
The plains of South
The point of land
The point of no return
The Pole Star
The political wing
The Pony Express
The pop world
The Popular Front government
The porno business
The port authorities
The Post-War Period
The post-war woman
The post-World War II years
The postal giro
The Postal Service
The Powers above
The Prague Spring
The pre-Romantic period
The pre-war period
The Precautionary Principle
The present age
The present participle
The Presidential Range
The price of petroleum
The prices quoted
The prime ministership
The prime of life
The principal arteries
The principal cities
The principality Wales
The Prohibition Era
The Promised Land
The prosecution side
The provinces
The Ptolemies
The public sector
The public service model
The public wealth
The public welfare
The puddling process
The Punic Wars
The Pyrenees
The Pyrenees Mountain
The Queen of Sheba
The question of Gibraltar
The rainy season
The rank and file
The ravages of time
The Real-Time Operating System Nucleus
The realm
The Reaper
The reason for
The reason why
The reasons why
The Recreational Activities Committee
The Red Cross
The Red Cross headquarters
The Red Sea
The Reich
The Reign of Terror
The relative share
The Renaissance man
The Renaissance men
The republic of Niger
The Republic of Zaire
The Republic ofthe Congo
The Rhine
The Rhine River
The Rhone
The Rhone Valley
The rich and the poor
The right to
The right to abortion
The right to an abortion
The right to rule by decree
The right way
The rights of assembly
The rights of man
The Riksdag office
The Riksdag office building
The Ringlet
The Rite for Spring
The River Inn
The River Thames
The Riviera
The road goes dead straight
The Rock Mosque
The Rockies
The Rocky Mountain States
The Rocky Mountains
The Roman Empire
The Romantic movement
The Rome Treaty
The root of all evil
The Royal Geographical Society
The Royal Guard
The Royal Library
The Royal National Theatre
The Royal Navy
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
The rural landscape
The Saar River
The Sacred College
The said person
The said persons
The same
The same to you
The San Andreas Fault
The Saone
The Sargasso Sea
The Savings Bank
The Savoy Alps
The Scandinavian countries
The Scandinavian Peninsula
The scene of
The Schengen Agreement
The Scottish Highlands
The Scripture
The Sea of galilee
The second
The second biggest
The Second Crusade
The second largest
The second most common cause of
The Second Part of King Henry the fourth
The Securities and Exchange Commission
The Security Council
The security police
The Seine River
The Semware Editor
The Senate Armed Services Committee
The Sepoy Mutiny
The Serengeti Plain
The Serengeti Plains
The Sermon on the Mount
The Seven Hills of Rome
The Seven Wonders of the World
The Seven Years' War
The Sevens Seas
The seventies
The Seychelles
The shaft of the bone
The Shetland Islands
The Shetlands
The Shiites
The Shire
The shits
The Sierra Madre Occidental
The Sierra Madre Oriental
The sign of the cross
The Simplon Pass
The sirocco
The Sistine Chapel
The Six Day War
The Skagerrak
The Skagerrak and the Kattegat
The small of the back
The small print
The Småland dialect
The Småland highlands
The snow is sticky
The Social Democratic Labor party
The social ladder
The Society of Jesus
The soil of
The sole benefit of
The solstice sunrise
The Son of Man
The sooner the better
The South American continent
The South Atlantic
The South Pacific
The South Pole
The South Sea
The South Sea Islands
The Southern Ocean
The Southern Rockies
The southern slope
The Southern States
The southernmost ranges
The Southwestern States
The Soviet Academy of Sciences
The Soviet bloc
The Soviet Union
The Soviets
The Spanish Netherlands
The Speaking Clock
The Spice Girls
The spirit of the time
The spirit of the times
The spiritual vacuum
The Splügen Pass
The sporting world
The Star-Spangled Banner
The Stars and Stripes
The starting point
The state church of Sweden
The State Department
The state liquor shop
The State of California
The State of Colorado
The State of Montana
The State of New York
The State of North Carolina
The State of Tennessee
The State of Texas
The State of the U.S. Virgin Islands
The state of things
The state of things in general
The state opening of Parliament
The state role
The states of the United States
The Statue of Liberty
The status quo
The Stingers
The Stockholm dialect
The Stockholm School of Economics
The Stockholm Stock Exchange
The Stone Age
The Stone Age man
The Stone Age men
The Strait of Dover
The Strait of Gibraltar
The Straits of Gibraltar
The strike-leaders
The student's
The Study Promotion Associaton
The sublime
The Suez canal
The Summer Olympic Games
The sun is out
The sun is setting
The sun rose
The Sun tabloid
The Sunday before Advent
The supine
The supply of snow
The supreme command
The Supreme Court
The survival of the fittest
The swamps of Okavango
The Swedish Accounting Standards Board
The Swedish Alcohol Retail Monopoly
The Swedish Alcohol Retailing Monopoly
The Swedish Association of Health Professionals
The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and the Federation of Swedish County Councils
The Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired
The Swedish Audit Bureau of Circulations
The Swedish biobank act
The Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity Assessment
The Swedish Board of Fisheries
The Swedish Cooperative Union
The Swedish Enforcement Authority
The Swedish Federation for Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Rights
The Swedish Federation for LesbianGayBisexual and Transgender Rights
The Swedish Football Association
The Swedish Government
The Swedish Inheritance Fund
The Swedish Jockey Club
The Swedish Labour Force Survey
The Swedish Medical Association
The Swedish Motor Vehicle Inspection Company
The Swedish National Archive of Recorded Sound and Moving Images
The Swedish National Board of Student Aid
The Swedish National Council of Adult Education
The Swedish National Pension Fund
The Swedish Organisation for Individual Relief
The Swedish Register of shipping
The Swedish Social Insurance Administration
The Swedish State
The Swedish state pharmaceutical monopoly
The Swedish Tax Agency
The Swedish Total Defence
The Swedish Translators' Centre
The Swedish Transport Agency
The Swiss
The Swiss Alps
The Swiss confederation
The Swiss National Library
The Taal
The table is turned
The tailor makes the man
The Taj Mahal
The talk of the town
The Talmud
The Taming of the Shrew
The Telegraph Service
The Tell region
The temperance movement
The Temple Mount
The Tempter
The Territorial Army
The Teutonic Order
The Thames
The Third Reich
The Thomas process
The three estates
The Three Weird Sisters
The Thuringian Forest
The Ticino
The tide is setting in
The Tierra del Fuego
The timber line
The time is not right
The Time Of Passion
The Times
The Times Literary Supplement
The tinderbox
The tip of the iceberg
The Tory party
The total absence of
The total amount
The touch method
The Tower of London
The Trade-Union Hall
The Tragedy of King Richard the Third
The Trans-Siberian railway
The Transfiguration of Christ
The Transsylvanian Alps
The travel industry
The travelling companies
The Treasure Island
The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle
The Treaty of Basel
The Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Versailles
The Triple Alliance
The Triple Entente
The Trojan War
The Tropic of Cancer
The Tropic of Capricorn
The Tropic Zone
The Truman doctrine
The turn of the century
The turn of the millenium
The turn of the year
The twilight of the gods
The two Canadas
The Two Gentleman of Verona
The Tyne
The U.S.
The U.S. European Command
The Uinta Mountains
The UK
The Ukraine
The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software
The ultimate in
The UN
The unemployment fund for graduates in Sweden
The UNESCO Convention
The Union of Kalmar
The Union of South Africa
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
The United Nations
The United Nations Development Programme
The United Nations Headquarters
The United Nations High Commission on Refugees
The United Nations High Commissioneer for Afghan Refugees
The United Nations High Commissioneer for Refugees
The United Nations High Commissioneer on Refugees
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees
The United Nations Secretary General
The United Nations Security Council
The United States
The United States of America
The universe
The Unknown Soldier
The upper classes
The upper storey
The Ural chain
The Ural Mountains
The Urals
The urban drift
The US
The utility-maximizing consumer
The utility-maximizing consumers
The Van Allen radiation belt
The Vasa Family
The Vasa Race
The Vasa ski race
The vast majority
The Vatican City
The Vatican State
The Veda Scriptures
The very best
The very day
The very fact that
The very first time
The very idea
The very idea of it
The very latest
The very least
The very next day
The very opposite of
The very same
The very same day
The very same place
The very thought of
The very worst
The Vienna Basin
The Vienna classicism
The Vietnam War
The villain of the piece
The Virgin
The Virgin Mary
The visual arts
The Volga River
The Vosges
The Vosges mountains
The Wailing Wall
The walled city
The war dead
The War Department
The Wars of the Reconquest
The Warsaw Pact
The way here
The way I see it
The way I see things
The way in
The way things are
The Ways and Means Committee
The Wayward Bus
The Weimar republic
The Weird Sisters
The Welfare Party
The Werra River
The West
The West Bank
The West Coast
The West Indian Islands
The West Indies
The western Alps
The Western Front
The Western Rift
The Western world
The Whig party
The Whine belt
The whisper goes that
The White House
The White Huns
The whole of
The whole of it
The whole way
The whole world
The why and wherefore
The whys and wherefores
The width of the valley
The winding up of
The winter of
The Winter Palace
The Winter War
The Winter's Tale
The witching hour
The word is going around
The World Bank
The World Community
The World Council of Churches
The World Cup
The World Health Organization
The World Heritage List
The world market
The world of letters
The world of men
The world of tennis
The world over
The world to come
The World Wildlife Fund
The world's climate
The world's seas
The world's top
The worship of beauty
The worst disservice
The wrong way round
The Yakut Republic
The Yalta agreement
The Yalta conference
The Yangtze
The Yangtze valley
The year before last
The year dot
The year-round life
The Yen rate
The yes
The Ynglinga dynasty
The zodiac
The Ådalen trauma
The Åland ferryboat
The Åland Islands
The Åland route
The Åland Sea
The Åre area
The Öresund Consortium
Theater building
Theater company
Theater critic
Theater curtain
Theater director
Theater in the round
Theater light
Theater of the absurd
Theater prompter
Theater stage
Theater ticket
Theatre stall
Theatre stalls
Theatre audience
Theatre auditorium
Theatre buff
Theatre building
Theatre companies
Theatre company
Theatre critic
Theatre criticism
Theatre curtain
Theatre director
Theatre dressing room
Theatre dressing rooms
Theatre festival
Theatre group
Theatre groups
Theatre manager
Theatre nuclear arms
Theatre programme
Theatre programmes
Theatre school
Theatre season
Theatre stage
Theatre technician
Theatre ticket
Theatrical agent
Theatrical career
Theatrical company
Theatrical costume
Theatrical costumes
Theatrical historian
Theatrical manager
Theatrical performance
Theatrical poster
Theatrical production
Theatrical role
Theatrical season
Theatrical stage
Theatrical stages
Theatrical trailer
Theatrical trailers
Theatrical year
Thecodont reptile
Theft attractive
Theft risk
Their relative position
Their Royal Highnesses
Thekla Lark
Thelypteris dryopteris
Thelypteris hexagonoptera
Thelypteris palustris pubescens
Thelypteris phegopteris
Thelypteris simulata
Thematic vowel
Theme day
Theme music
Theme park
Theme song
Theme songs
Theme tune
Then again
Then please
Thenar muscle
Theobroma oil
Theodore Roosevelt
Theological doctrine
Theological system
Theological virtue
Theology of prosperity
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